Vegan Japanese-Italian Fusion Risotto

1 bước trong 1 phút

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This dish blends the creamy, comforting texture of Italian risotto with distinct Japanese flavors such as miso and shiitake mushrooms.

Vegan Japanese-Italian Fusion Risotto


1 cup Arborio rice (typical for Italian risotto)

4 cups vegetable broth

1 cup dried shiitake mushrooms

1 onion, finely chopped

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 tbsp white miso paste (a staple in Japanese cuisine)

1 tbsp soy sauce

1 tbsp olive oil

1/2 cup vegan white wine (optional)

Salt and pepper to taste

Fresh parsley or chives for garnish


Rehydrate Shiitake Mushrooms: Soak the dried shiitake mushrooms in warm water for about 20-30 minutes until they are fully rehydrated. Drain and slice them thinly.

Prepare Broth: In a separate pot, warm the vegetable broth and keep it on a low simmer.

Cook the Aromatics: In a large pan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and cook until translucent. Add the garlic and cook for another minute.

Toast the Rice: Add the Arborio rice to the pan, stirring constantly, until the edges of the grains become slightly translucent (about 2 minutes).

Deglaze with Wine: Pour in the white wine (if using) and stir until it's mostly absorbed.

Add Broth Gradually: Start adding the warm broth one ladle at a time, stirring frequently. Wait until each ladle of broth is almost fully absorbed before adding the next.

Incorporate Japanese Flavors: When you’re halfway through the broth, stir in the miso paste, soy sauce, and rehydrated shiitake mushrooms. Continue adding broth and stirring.

Check Rice Texture: The risotto is ready when the rice is al dente and the mixture is creamy (usually takes about 18-20 minutes).

Season and Serve: Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot, garnished with freshly chopped parsley or chives.

This recipe is a perfect example of how you can merge different culinary traditions into one harmonious dish. The creaminess of the Italian risotto, combined with the umami-rich flavors of Japanese ingredients, creates a comforting yet exciting vegan meal ideal for winter.


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  • Vegan Japanese-Italian Fusion Risotto
Vegan Japanese-Italian Fusion Risotto
  • Vegan Japanese-Italian Fusion Risotto
Vegan Japanese-Italian Fusion Risotto
  • Vegan Japanese-Italian Fusion Risotto