Chocolate chip cookie dough overnight oats ๐Ÿช

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Chocolate chip cookie dough overnight oats ๐Ÿช

Why these were the best overnight oats?
โœ”๏ธ perfect texture
โœ”๏ธ super tasty
โœ”๏ธ ready right away (so actually just oats, not overnight ๐Ÿ˜…)

AFF | 10% off @prozis + free gift(s) with code EMMIE10 ๐Ÿ’ถ๐ŸŽ

- 50gr oats (@prozis )
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- 1 tbsp protein powder (vegan from @focushealthnutrition )
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon
- pinch of salt
- 45gr skyr or quark
- 115gr mylk
- 1 tsbp dark brown sugar
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 8gr peanut butter (@arthurandsisters #gifted)
- 1 tbsp chocolate chips (@prozis )

Simply stir everything together and enjoy ๐Ÿ˜Š

AFF | 10% off @coconutbowls with code emmieheartsfood ๐Ÿฅฅ๐Ÿ’ถ

482 kcal
23 P
59 C
16 F

#foodblogger #fitfoodie #fitfoodlover #belgianfoodblogger #overnightoats #healthybreakfast #healthybreakfastinspo #healthybreakfastideas #healthybreakfastclub #healthybreakfastrecipes #overnightoatsrecipe #overnightoatsrecipes #highproteinbreakfast #highproteinbreakfastideas #highproteinvegan #proteinbreakfast #proteinbreakfasts #proats #proatmeal #proteinoats #proteinoatmeal #proteinporridge #chocolatechipcookiedough #cookiedoughoats #cookiedoughoatmeal #veganbreakfast #veganprotein #veganproteinpowder #veganproteinfood

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  • Chocolate chip cookie dough overnight oats ๐Ÿช