bear holding fruit

1 bước trong 1 phút

Giới thiệu

procrastinated on this? yes. oops. but just want to put this out here before i start school in a week ajdjwnd. BUT HEY ITS LOW SEW!!!! everyone has creative freedom on how they want their bear and fruit to look but i just made a polar bear holding a watermelon 🤷🏻‍♀️. tag me in what you create lovies!
#crochet#crochetfreepattern#crochetpattern#crochetaddict#crochetfree#crochetpattern#crochetbear#crochetingforbeginners #amigurumi#amigurumifreepattern#freepattern#amigurumipattern#amigurumibear

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  • bear holding fruit
bear holding fruit
  • bear holding fruit
bear holding fruit
  • bear holding fruit
bear holding fruit
  • bear holding fruit
bear holding fruit
  • bear holding fruit