Granola Butter Toasts ⭐️ (vegan)

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Granola Butter Toasts ⭐️ (vegan)

It’s a decadent yet nutritious #pbmondayswithmolly today!! And for my nut free friends with the granola butter drizzle 🙌🏻

Today’s ‘nut butter’ feature is the delicious Smooth Granola Butter from the Granola Butter Co

Plate deets:
Toasted sourdough @bertinetbakery (PR)
Protein strawberry fluff = any yog + strawberry protein powder @alpro @myvegan (AMB)
Banana & bloobs @fairtradeuk @asda @asdaprteam
Granola butter drizzle @granolabutterco (PR)
Original granola @lizis_official (PR)
Toasted desiccated coconut @hollandandbarrett
Freeze dried raspberry pieces


#veganuk #veganbreakfastideas
#veganbreakfast #healthybreakfastideas #sourdough #sourdoughbread #toastideas #toasttoppings #toast #breakfastideas #highproteinbreakfast #plantbasedprotein #highproteinmeals #sourdoughtoast #granolabutter #blueberries #bananalover #bananatoast #proteinfluff #proteinyogurt #proteinyoghurt #veganyogurt #veganyoghurt #strawberryprotein #sourdoughlover #nutfree #nutbutter #nutbutterlover

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  • Granola Butter Toasts ⭐️ (vegan)
Granola Butter Toasts ⭐️ (vegan)
  • Granola Butter Toasts ⭐️ (vegan)