Yellow duck crochet pattern wearing a wide brim hat

1 bước trong 1 phút

Giới thiệu

Free pattern by @beary_bearnita_ Insert the safety eyes at round 10,11. Make 2 pompom size 1.5cm and sew to the cheeks. Hat strap. Make chains (long as you want) then crochet all sc along the chains. Sew to the hat.When published works, please indicate the author of the pattern

Sản phẩm được bán với giá: 1 VND

Liên hệ với người bán: New Tico

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  • Yellow duck crochet pattern wearing a wide brim hat
Yellow duck crochet pattern wearing a wide brim hat
  • Yellow duck crochet pattern wearing a wide brim hat
Yellow duck crochet pattern wearing a wide brim hat
  • Yellow duck crochet pattern wearing a wide brim hat
Yellow duck crochet pattern wearing a wide brim hat
  • Yellow duck crochet pattern wearing a wide brim hat
Yellow duck crochet pattern wearing a wide brim hat
  • Yellow duck crochet pattern wearing a wide brim hat
Yellow duck crochet pattern wearing a wide brim hat
  • Yellow duck crochet pattern wearing a wide brim hat
Yellow duck crochet pattern wearing a wide brim hat
  • Yellow duck crochet pattern wearing a wide brim hat