Small balloon crochet pattern

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Giới thiệu

✨ FREE CROCHET PATTERN ✨You asked so here you go my friends! Free pattern for quick reusable water balloons in two sizes. No waste, no latex pieces to pick up all over the place, endless summer fun! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 My kiddos are still a bit young to really do water balloon fights but these have been the perfect addition to our water table and pour station for some water play time. Be sure to tag me in your makes so I can share! 🫶🏻 happy making and I hope you and your littles have a summer SOAKED with fun! 😜 Swipe to the end to see a video of the water balloons in action! 💦*CORRECTION* for the small balloon you should cinch the balloon at round 9 not round 6 😜#freecrochetpattern #freecrochetpatterns #freecrochet #crochetwaterballoons #summerwaterfun #toddlerplay #toddlerlife #preschoolplay #sensoryplay

Sản phẩm được bán với giá: 1 VND

Liên hệ với người bán: New Tico

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  • Small balloon crochet pattern
Small balloon crochet pattern
  • Small balloon crochet pattern
Small balloon crochet pattern
  • Small balloon crochet pattern
Small balloon crochet pattern
  • Small balloon crochet pattern
Small balloon crochet pattern
  • Small balloon crochet pattern
Small balloon crochet pattern
  • Small balloon crochet pattern