Purple blue heart crochet pattern

1 bước trong 1 phút

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Free Pattern and design by @kidunique_crochet 🌺And here goes the pattern!Crochet heart ♥️Part 1R1: 6 SC in the Magic loopR2: 6 x inc = 12 SCR3: (1 SC, inc) x 6 = 18 SCR4: (2 SC, inc) x 6 = 24 SCR5 - R7: 24 SCCut the yarn, leaving approx. 15 cm yarn yail to sew the holes together. Part 2Repeat everything like in Part 1. R8: crochet 3 SC throught Part 1 and Part 2 together. From now on this is the beginning of the new round. R9: 42 SCR10: 42 SC R11: (4 SC, invdec) x 7 = 35 SCR12: 35 SCR13: (3 SC, invdec) x 7 = 28 SCR14: 28 SCR15: (2 SC, invdec) x 7 = 21 SCR16: 21 SCStuff the heart. R17: (1 SC, invdec) x 7 = 14 SCR18: 14 SCR19: invdec x 7 = 7 SCCut the yarn leaving approx. 10 cm long yarn tail. Put the needle with the yarn in every stich and pull them together to tighten the bottom of the heart. Hide the yarn tail and you are done!

Sản phẩm được bán với giá: 1 VND

Liên hệ với người bán: New Tico

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  • Purple blue heart crochet pattern
Purple blue heart crochet pattern
  • Purple blue heart crochet pattern
Purple blue heart crochet pattern
  • Purple blue heart crochet pattern

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