Lizzy Cat free crochet pattern

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Giới thiệu

Repost from @wilozycrochet Lizzy Cat - Free design by @WilozyCrochet.Hi everyone,Thank you so much for your patient, as promise now I'm releasing the Lizzy cat, Part 1. Part 2 with be updated soon.Much love, time and effort have been put into designing this amigurumi cat so I would really appreciate it if you give credit to me as "pattern by @WilozyCrochet", when publishing/sharing your work/my pattern.PLEASE NOTE! This pattern has NOT been tested by others, so if you find errors please let me know. If you see that my pattern(s)/technique is not used properly I would appreciate for any amendments.English is not my first language, so I would also appreciate your understanding in regards to typos / little grammar errors in the patterns (if any).If you would like to translate the patterns into other languages, please kindly send me text in advance.Lastly, please do not reproduce or sell this pattern, or claim it’s yours just by changing something slightly or by translating it and say it’s yours. Thank you so much.#amigurumi #amigurumipattern #doll #craftastherapy #crochetaddict #amigurumipatterns #crochetofinstagram #handmadecrochet #crochet #crochetdolls #crochetpattern #amigurumiofinstagram #collectiondoll #あみぐるみ #куклаамигуруми #амигурумикукла #крючком #아미구루미 #코바늘인형 #freeamigurumipattern #freeamigurumipatterns #freecrochetpatterns

Sản phẩm được bán với giá: 1 VND

Liên hệ với người bán: New Tico

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