free pattern shark

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Giới thiệu

Repost from @elen.danI know many of you have appreciated this free pattern since I've published it for the first time a couple of years ago 🤗 Today I publish it again for my new followers 🐬❤ Welcome to #elendan_crochet_world! 🌊Baby shark pattern:ch - chainsl st - slip stitchsc - single crochetdc - double crochetddc - double double crochet (treble crochet)inc - increasedec - decreaseHead & bodyStart with magic ring (or as you usually start spiral crocheting)1. 4 sc2. 4 inc (8)3. (inc, sc) x 4 (12)4. (inc, 2 sc) x 4 (16)5 -7. sc in each stitch (16)8. dec, 6 sc, dec, 6 sc (14)9. dec, 5 sc, dec, 5 sc (12)10. dec, 4 sc, dec, 4 sc (10)11. dec, 3 sc, dec, 3 sc (8)12. dec, 2 sc, dec, 2 sc (6)13. dec, sc, dec, sc (4)Do not fasten off, we'll continue making tail.TailMake 6 chains. Beginning from 2nd chain from hook make 3 slip stitches, 1 sc, 1 dc. Insert hook into 2nd sc of last row of body, make 4 ch. Beginning from 2nd ch from hook make 2 sl st, 1 sc.Upper flipperInsert hook between 8 and 9 rows at the top of body where decrease was made. Make 5 ch. Beginning from 2nd ch from hook make 1 sl st, 1 sc, 1 dc, 1 ddc. Join with body making sl st between rows 6 and 7.Side flippersIinsert hook into 6 row of body. Make 4 ch. Beginning from 2nd ch from hook make 1 sc, 2 dc. Join with body making sl st between rows 8 and 9. Fasten off, hide yarn tail inside.Please, give credit to @elen.dan when you show your works made with this pattern. I'll gladly repost some if them in my stories 🤗 Have crochet joy!🐟 .....#sharkpattern #crochetsharkpattern #crochetpatternfree #babysharkpattern #crochetfishpattern #fishcrochetpattern #crochetersofinstagram #crochetanimal #crochetfish #sharksofinstagram #babyanimals #ilovecrochet #sharksofinsta #amigurumifish #crochetshark #crochetdesigner #yarnspirations #stuffedfish #crochetdesigner #summercrochet #crochettoy #oceancreatures #sharktoy #crochetpatterns #freeamigurumipattern #amigurumipattern #freecrochetpattern #elendan_free_pattern

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  • free pattern shark
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  • free pattern shark