free crochet pattern with squares of fabric.

1 bước trong 1 phút

Giới thiệu

The Protea BlocksAfter sharing the photo of the King Protea Quilt, made by the quilters of the Midlands Quilt Guild, I had some requests for the pattern. Even though the blocks were designed by my me, I can definitely not take credit for the awesome final layout of their beautiful quilt that won 1st prize in the Group Quilts category at the Royal Show. 🥇🏆🎉I decided to release the FPP pdf templates for free on my website (link in bio) for everyone to have fun with. 🤗2nd photo: The King Protea Quilt, currently on display at the Royal Show in Pietermaritzburg. 📷 @hayleyann68 Picture 3-5: playing with some layout ideas in @theelectricquiltcompany Head over to my website and download your free templates of these blocks.Happy stitching 🧵 🪡 #dewaldkwilts #proteaquilt #freepattern #newpattern #patternrelease #midlandsquiltersguild #eq8

Sản phẩm được bán với giá: 1 VND

Liên hệ với người bán: New Tico

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  • free crochet pattern with squares of fabric.
free crochet pattern with squares of fabric.
  • free crochet pattern with squares of fabric.
free crochet pattern with squares of fabric.
  • free crochet pattern with squares of fabric.
free crochet pattern with squares of fabric.
  • free crochet pattern with squares of fabric.
free crochet pattern with squares of fabric.
  • free crochet pattern with squares of fabric.