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✨FREE PATTERN✨Hi, friends! This month's free pattern is Bunny Onigiri! 🐰🍙Many thanks to @rosereinsch and @glitteringgranny who helped me checking this pattern. You can check their accounts to see their wonderful makes. 😊For #yearofbunnychallenge, I plan to release 1 free pattern per month with bunny theme. Stay tuned! 😃Background: image by freepik - www.freepik.com#Bunnyonigiri#amigurumi #crochet #crochettoys #crochetanimal #crochetfood #cuteamigurumi #amigurumibunny #crochetbunny #amigurumirabbit #crochetrabbit #amigurumionigiri #crochetonigiri #freecrochetpattern #freepattern #freeamigurumipattern #crochetpattern #amigurumipattern#あみぐるみ #bonekarajut #編み物 #かぎ針編み
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