free crochet pattern brown-haired doll with white wings.

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Giới thiệu

Hoy quería compartir con ustedes este lindo patrón de Angelito. Es muy sencillo y es ideal como recuerdo así que espero que puedan realizarlo, compartirlo y/o poder regalarle a alguien especial🚀Si tienes consultas o dudas escribeme para poder ayudarte y puedas realizarlo. Comentame ¿Qué otro patrón te gustaría que comparta?..............Tu @lovelygummyperu #freecrochetpattern #crochetpatternfree #freepatterncrochet #amigurumifreepattern #freepattern #ilovecrochet #crochetlover #crocheteveryday #angelcrochet #amigurumi #aprendercrochet #aprenderamigurumi #angelamigurumi #crochetcreativo #crocheterasinstagrameras #ganchillerasinstagrameras #amigurumiscrochet #instagood #handmade #patterns #patrongratuito #crochetpattern #patternlover #patróngratuito #dulceamigurumi #patrongratuitocrochet #patronangel

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Liên hệ với người bán: New Tico

Chuẩn bị

  • free crochet pattern brown-haired doll with white wings.
free crochet pattern brown-haired doll with white wings.
  • free crochet pattern brown-haired doll with white wings.
free crochet pattern brown-haired doll with white wings.
  • free crochet pattern brown-haired doll with white wings.
free crochet pattern brown-haired doll with white wings.
  • free crochet pattern brown-haired doll with white wings.
free crochet pattern brown-haired doll with white wings.
  • free crochet pattern brown-haired doll with white wings.
free crochet pattern brown-haired doll with white wings.
  • free crochet pattern brown-haired doll with white wings.

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