free amigurumi pattern teaball

1 bước trong 1 phút

Giới thiệu

Pattern and design by @maschenlumpi 🌷When publishing your works, please indicate the designer of the pattern 🌺14.7.22 ERRATA:Body:Body:We work in rounds. Start every round with a chain stitch for a clean look. Start with white yarn. 1 6sc in MR [6]2 Inc x6 [12]3 *1sc, inc* x6 [18]4 *2sc, inc* x6 [24]5 *3sc, inc* x6 [30]6-8 30scChange color to dark green. 9-11 *3sc, dec* x6 [24]12 *2sc, dec* x6 [18]13 *1sc, dec* x6 [12]14 *2sc, dec* x3 [9]15 FLO: *2sc, inc* x3 [12]Fasten off. Weave in the end.Forgot to include 3 rows of green without decreases.

Sản phẩm được bán với giá: 1 VND

Liên hệ với người bán: New Tico

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