Doll with red mushroom hat

1 bước trong 1 phút

Giới thiệu

Free pattern and design by @mau.crochetNOTES⚠️:BLO = Back Loops Only. Hat part 1 (red) stops at R13, Hat part 2 is supposed to say R14, not R17 (I messed up row count, but just follow the pattern)

Sản phẩm được bán với giá: 1 VND

Liên hệ với người bán: New Tico

Chuẩn bị

  • Doll with red mushroom hat
Doll with red mushroom hat
  • Doll with red mushroom hat
Doll with red mushroom hat
  • Doll with red mushroom hat
Doll with red mushroom hat
  • Doll with red mushroom hat
Doll with red mushroom hat
  • Doll with red mushroom hat
Doll with red mushroom hat
  • Doll with red mushroom hat
Doll with red mushroom hat
  • Doll with red mushroom hat
Doll with red mushroom hat
  • Doll with red mushroom hat
Doll with red mushroom hat
  • Doll with red mushroom hat
Doll with red mushroom hat
  • Doll with red mushroom hat