doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern

1 bước trong 1 phút

Giới thiệu

سلام به هنرمندای عزیز🫰🏻❤️حتما برام کام.نت بزار بگو با این وضعیت ن.ت دستور بافت بزارم یا ویدئو؟؟ @goolehbarfi.dolls @goolehbarfi.dolls اگه از اکسپلور و هشتگ میای پیجمو ببین حتما مطمئن باش رفیق خوبی میشیم برای هم.. 🥰❤️@goolehbarfi.dolls @goolehbarfi.dolls Pattern of @amigyrymitoys_patterns #دستور_بافت_رایگان #دستور_بافت #هنر #قلاببافی #عروسکبافی #آموزش_رایگان_بافتنی #عروسکسازی #قلاب_بافی #پترن_عروسکبافی #دختر #عروسک_دخترانه_بافتنی #آموزش_بافتنی #pattern #free_pattern

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Liên hệ với người bán: New Tico

Chuẩn bị

  • doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern
doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern
  • doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern
doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern
  • doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern
doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern
  • doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern
doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern
  • doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern
doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern
  • doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern
doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern
  • doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern
doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern
  • doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern
doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern
  • doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern
doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern
  • doll with black hair, yellow flowers, blue dress with crochet pattern

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