Crochet pattern with panda head, black eyes.

1 bước trong 1 phút

Giới thiệu

FREE PATTERNAfter a year, I finally had the time to finish the pattern for this one. The Danish version is available for download in #crochetinstagram #crochetaddict #amigurumianimals #amigurumi #crochetinsta #amigurumipattern #strollerchain #hækle #hækling #hæklingtilbaby #altermuligt #altermuligtshare #altermuligtdesign #crochetanimals #freecrochetpattern

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Liên hệ với người bán: New Tico

Chuẩn bị

  • Crochet pattern with panda head, black eyes.
Crochet pattern with panda head, black eyes.
  • Crochet pattern with panda head, black eyes.
Crochet pattern with panda head, black eyes.
  • Crochet pattern with panda head, black eyes.
Crochet pattern with panda head, black eyes.
  • Crochet pattern with panda head, black eyes.

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