crochet doll with brown hair, white shirt and wings

1 bước trong 1 phút

Giới thiệu

head, body, shirt, wings, hair, heart, boos.

Sản phẩm được bán với giá: 1 VND

Liên hệ với người bán: New Tico

Chuẩn bị

  • white wool, yellow wool, brown-wool.
materials and abbreviations
  • materials and abbreviations
continue with head.
  • continue with head.
legs make two.
  • legs make two.
continue with legs.
  • continue with legs.
make body part.
  • make body part.
continue with body.
  • continue with body.
continue with body.
  • continue with body.
continue with body and add more arms.
  • continue with body and add more arms.
brown hair.
  • brown hair.
  • ponytails.
upper wings and lower wings
  • upper wings and lower wings
continue with heart.
  • continue with heart.
continue with heart.
  • continue with heart.
continue with heart.
  • continue with heart.
  • assembly.
sew hair.
  • sew hair.
sew hair.
  • sew hair.
sew hair.and wings.
  • sew hair.and wings.
sew hair.and wings.
  • sew hair.and wings.
make eyes.
  • make eyes.
make eyes.
  • make eyes.
make eyes.
  • make eyes.
make nose and mouth.
  • make nose and mouth.
make eyes
  • make eyes
enjoy the work done.
  • enjoy the work done.

Những ý tưởng khác
